Farm task management

The most comprehensive and detailed livestock management solution you will ever need.

Create and assign jobs

FarmKeep's task management features are the key to efficient, organized farm operations. Schedule, assign, and complete tasks with ease, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. From planting schedules to animal care routines, FarmKeep keeps your farm running smoothly, allowing you to focus on what you love – farming.

Group sizes

Invite unlimited people to join your farm and actively participate, help out, or just view your farms latest activities.

Assign jobs

Have a chore or task that needs done? You can assign it to yourself or another member of your farm and get their help.

Track completion

Assign due dates and track progress of tasks with notifications and reminders. Once a task is complete, mark it as done!

Communicate needs and news

FarmKeep can be used as a communication hub to keep all farm members up to date with the latest needs, news, and developments on the farm. From task updates to critical announcements, our platform ensures that everyone is informed and connected.

Manage animals

Notes and updates

Any note or update on an animal or a general task can be made available to see for all members on your farm.

Create briefs

Easily create messages and summaries from the ease of your mobile device.

Add details

Record as much information as you want so you have accurate records and the most up to date content for your farm.

Optimize operations and timelines

FarmKeep provides the tools you need to keep your farm running like clockwork. By ensuring that every chore is completed on schedule, you can optimize your farm's productivity.  Say goodbye to farm management challenges and embrace the efficiency that FarmKeep brings to your agricultural operations.

Plan and schedule

Restock feed, clean the barn, get more hay, schedule a vet visit, whatever you need, you can plan and schedule your important tasks to keep your farm running

List, board, and calendar options

Easily view all your in progress, upcoming, and completed tasks in a custom view that works best for you. Never procrastinate on cleaning your chicken coop again!

Automate dailies

Recurring tasks like feeding your animals or cleaning water troughs can be tracked as routines and shown on your farm map so anyone can help you complete these tasks.

The farm task management app to make your life easier

FarmKeep is more than a task management app; it's your trusted partner in making farm life easier. Designed specifically for the unique needs of farmers, our platform simplifies task tracking, assignment, and completion. FarmKeep streamlines your daily chores, making farm life smoother, more organized, and ultimately more enjoyable.

Optimize your farm task management today with FarmKeep. Download the app and makes farm life easier and more productive.